“...communities often feel powerless, but in Alabama there are grassroots and civic organizations on the ground everyday, working to break down barriers to civic participation and build community power around progressive values and voices.”
Meet Anneshia--
Anneshia Hardy is an organizer from Alabama who shared her story with Groundwork. As the Executive Director of Alabama Values Progress, she creates tools to educate, engage, and organize communities to break the cycle of disinformation and make progressive change.
Do you have a story like Anneishia’s? Yes? We want to hear it! And check out Anneshia’s full story on our NEW Community page here!
We know there are more stories like Anneshia's that can inspire us all in the fight for justice, equity and progress we just need to find them!
Share your organizing story with us--inspire us, inspire your community.
Together we can show Democrats exactly why we should be investing in year-round, local community organizing. Even in –especially in– the tough places.
Groundwork Project Team