
When I was 17 years old, a classmate of mine took his life with a gun. I’ve been thinking about Brad during this National Suicide Prevention Month. What joy would he have brought during the last 20 years to friends and family? What might he have told us at class reunions?

I’m not alone in asking these questions. 900 Pennsylvanians take their life with a firearm every year. Even more try--but when they use a firearm, it is fatal nearly every time.

And that’s the simple reason we need Extreme Risk Protection orders: a tool allowing family members to temporarily remove the fatal threat before a suicide attempt. 

Today, Rep. Stephens and Rep. O’Mara, who lost her father to suicide, introduced legislation to create that tool in Pennsylvania, giving loved ones precious time for the individual to get help. If legislators want to help prevent the next 900 gun suicides, they must co-sponsor this legislation. Send a message today.

The proposed legislation would create a process for family members or law enforcement to temporarily remove access to guns if someone is at risk of harm to themselves or others. It’d start with a petition to the court and then eventually a formal hearing to ensure the temporary removal was warranted.

It has worked to save lives in 19 states by preventing suicides, homicides and mass shootings. One study in California found that 13% of the Orders helped prevent likely mass shooting attempts. 

I think about Brad more these days. I’ve met survivors who’ve lost brothers, spouses, parents and friends to gun suicide. We can help make sure there are fewer people left grieving.


Adam Garber
CeaseFirePA Executive Director

P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

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