My name is Kendra Brooks. I’m a proud mother, activist, and Philadelphia City Councilmember representing the Working Families Party.
When I look around, I see communities in Philly and all over the country that have been left behind by Congress. But we deserve better.
That’s why I’m joining with the Working Families Party to ask every one of our representatives where they stand: Do they stand for universal pre-K, public housing, and clean energy? Or do they stand with their corporate donors?
Watch our video now, then text DELIVER to 30403 to help us keep the pressure on the corporate Democrats holding up our agenda.
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We deserve an economy where a family can be supported with just one good-paying job. We deserve communities where every child can receive a safe and meaningful public education. We deserve neighborhoods where each person has access to a high-quality, affordable place to call home. To put it simply, John, we need and deserve to be invested in.
Right now, our elected officials in Washington have a chance to transform our communities by passing the Build Back Better Act. This legislative package would invest $3.5 trillion into public schools, affordable housing, clean energy jobs, health care, more affordable prescription drugs and much, much more.
But a handful of obstructionist Democrats in Congress are doing everything they can to either water down or kill this bill. They’re hearing a lot from corporate lobbyists who want to keep the status quo. It’s time they heard from the rest of us.
The Build Back Better Act will provide real relief to our communities still reeling from the pandemic and economic crisis. Watch our new video about the future that is possible if we pass this bill — then text DELIVER to 30403 to make sure Congress hears from the working people who elected them.
In 2020, we went all out to deliver the White House, the House and the Senate to Democrats.
Now they need to deliver for us.
With hope,
Kendra Brooks
Philadelphia City Councilmember At-Large, Working Families Party
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Become a Working Families Party Member! Other political groups have corporate donors. We have you. Just $10 a month supports our fight.
Paid for by Working Families Party National PAC (77 Sands St. #6, Brooklyn, NY, 11201).