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Friday, September 24th, 2021


30 Facts You Need to Know: Your Covid Cribsheet

Kit Knightly

Should War Be Made “Humane”?

David Gordon

The AUKUS Preparing a Nuclear War To Sustain Taiwan

Thierry Meyssan

Western Governments Are Deep-sixing the Hippocratic Oath

Paul Craig Roberts

Sweden Won the Argument on Covid

Anders Tegnell

From Marshall To Milley

Douglas Macgregor

‘Lymphocyte Riot’: Pathologists Investigate Deaths After Corona Vaccination


The Awakening Is Growing


Jacques Vallee, The Functioning Lie and the Covid Scandemic

Anaya Binta

Eurasia Takes Shape: How the SCO Just Flipped the World Order

Pepe Escobar

Get Ready for Non-Transitory Inflation: Ten Things About To Shoot Up in Price

Kerry Lutz

American Medical Association Instructs Doctors To Deceive

Dr. Joseph Mercola


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