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Tell NMFS to Reject Proposed Slaughter of Sea Lions
Dear John,
The states of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, as well as several Native American tribes, have applied to the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to kill hundreds of California and Steller sea lions in the Columbia River basin. They assert that it is necessary to kill these animals to save endangered and threatened salmon, but in fact the primary threat to the fish is degraded spawning habitat. The Columbia River and its tributaries abound with dams and culverts and other human-caused habitat damage. Killing sea lions is a diversion from these more important threats, whose solutions--particularly the strategic removal of some dams--are less politically palatable.
Over strenuous objection from AWI and others, federal legislation was passed last year to allow this sea lion killing program--the first indiscriminate cull allowed under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) since its passage in 1972. Even under this new MMPA amendment, however, these states and tribes must meet certain criteria before a cull can take place, and these standards are not being met. This cull should not move forward--the animals will literally die for nothing if it does.
What You Can Do
NMFS needs to hear from you! The agency is currently accepting comments on the proposed cull. Please submit a comment letter to NMFS on or before the October 29 deadline, urging NMFS to deny the application ([link removed]). (Note: When you submit comments through AWI's website, your name and comments will be publicly viewable on the official comment page at Regulations.gov.) You may also submit your comments directly at [link removed] ([link removed])
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As always, be sure to share our eAlert with family, friends and co-workers, and encourage them to submit comments as well. Thank you for your dedication to protecting animals!
Cathy Liss
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Photo by David Merrett
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Animal Welfare Institute
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