Nine years ago, I sat at the small hill overlooking the cobble point and rivermouth of San Miguel, pondering whether I should take a new job at a small non-profit called Save The Waves.
The sunset, the waves rolling in and the connection to the beautiful watershed inspired me to put my efforts behind protecting amazing coastal places like San Miguel.The recent victory at San Miguel as Baja California's first State Park is one that has been 14 years+ in the making, and was only possible through coming together with locals driving the effort.
It was not possible without the amazing collaboration from the local community, Bahía Todos Santos World Surfing Reserve and our amazing partners at Pronatura Noroeste. This success is proof that collaboration works and yields real results.
Thanks to all of the efforts of Mara Arroyo, Gaby Caloca, Gustavo D. Danemann and with the support of David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Marisla, and The Conservation Alliance