Dear John,
I have a powerful story of mercy and grace below that I know you’ll want to read. You’ll be amazed by this mom’s courage and how God has created a masterpiece from the broken pieces of her life.
And the truth is, you played a critical role in her story. In all the work we do together, your support and prayers are like the very hands of Christ. They help rescue children and reach moms and families in their most desperate situations.
But we can’t stop. Not until we transform the culture of death that’s deceiving so many with terms such as “rights” and “convenience”… and all for the sake of profit.
That’s why I’m so grateful for a $175,000 Challenge Grant that we’ve received from a generous partner who wants to inspire you to give today and multiply your lifesaving impact.
John, your leadership and generosity in giving are an incredible blessing. And it’s a lifesaver to so many children at risk of abortion. I’m praying you’ll consider giving as generously as you can today — especially now when it will go TWICE as far and make TWICE the lifesaving impact, when combined with the grant, if you give by September 30.
Non-Donors: John, this is the best time to give to make as big of an impact as possible – especially since your gift will go TWICE as far, when combined with the grant, if you give by September 30.
As I write this email, many of the 21,300 children that you have rescued over the years have started a new school year.
Just imagine that for a moment… 21,300 lives were hanging in the balance of a single decision. But now — TODAY — these children are living, learning, and THRIVING, and they have the chance to fully realize God’s amazing purpose and destiny for their lives.
Through this incredible $175,000 Challenge Grant, you can rescue the next 20,000 children. And you can ensure that they get to:
- Take back-to-school photos, grinning ear to ear
- Experience the innocence and wonder of just being a kid
- Dream big dreams that are theirs alone to experience
- Learn, connect, and prepare for the calling God has for their lives
Will you give a special gift of $50, $100, or even $200 – knowing your gift will help DOUBLE the lifesaving impact and rescue even more children from abortion?
Life is an absolute miracle. Children are a gift from the Lord. You and I must do everything we can to rescue those whose lives are at risk.
And it’s not just the child who is rescued…
Deanna, whom I mentioned earlier, didn’t want another baby. Even before she found out she was pregnant, her little family seemed broken. She had a little boy whose father had suddenly died. And Deanna had been working her fingers to the bone to keep her family afloat after a hurricane swept away their lives.
Yet here she was. Exhausted. Barely making it… and pregnant.
“When I found out I was pregnant, I was devastated,” Deanna recalls. “I didn’t know how to deal with it.”
Rather than considering the deadly cost of abortion, Deanna’s friends talked about convenience and her inability to care for another child.
Tragically, that’s the message peddled by Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. If a child isn’t convenient for you, you can simply kill it. One simple, and savage, procedure will remove the “problem” for good.
But what they don’t tell you is the agony of abortion that rips into the very souls of mothers, fathers, and entire families.
“All my friends told me to get rid of him,” Deanna remembers. “I knew abortion was wrong, but I hoped God would forgive me.”
But then, Deanna found Human Coalition and was connected to one of the life-affirming Women’s Care Clinics that you support through your generosity. And for the first time in a long time, she received genuine Christ-like compassion, encouragement, comfort, and care.
More than that, Deanna heard the truth about the options she had and the assurance that she was not alone. And because of your support, Deanna chose life — and welcomed a healthy baby boy named Major into the world!
This is how God uses your prayers and support. Lives like Major’s are rescued. And mothers like Deanna — even entire families — are transformed.
But without urgent action to stop the culture of death and abortion machines like Planned Parenthood, more playgrounds will be empty. And more school buses will be eerily silent.
That’s why I hope you’ll reply quickly — no later than September 30 — to ensure that your gift goes TWICE as far.
Will you give TODAY to help DOUBLE the lifesaving impact and rescue even more children like Major this back-to-school season?
In the next few weeks, when you find yourself waiting behind a school bus or see children walking with their school bags on their backs, I pray you’ll be reminded of Major, who is starting second grade this year. And I pray you’ll be reminded of all the children you’ve rescued — and the mothers and families you’ve reached with help and hope.

Pictured above is Deanna and Major.
Thank you for replying quickly and for partnering with us in the fight for life. Together, we can make abortion unthinkable and unnecessary!
For children and families,
Jeff Bradford
P.S. — Thanks to you, schoolchildren today have a chance to live and THRIVE. Please make that possible for so many others — whose lives hang in the balance at this very moment. Through the incredible $175,000 Challenge Grant, every dollar you give by September 30 will help DOUBLE the lifesaving impact to rescue children. Will you give an immediate gift to rescue children like Major from abortion?