Do you want to retire Nancy Pelosi for good?
If so, I need your help.
Texas just picked up TWO new congressional seats for the upcoming midterm elections, the most from any state in the
And along with Texas, other "red" states like Florida, North Carolina, and Montana also picked up a handful of
That means that we're in striking distance of taking back the House in 2022 and retiring Nancy Pelosi for good.
But the only way we can do that is if patriots like you step up right now.
Will you
contribute just $20.22 or more to the Republican Party of Texas today to help us win these critical two congressional seats in the next midterm
In the last election, Republicans came just 5 seats short of busting Nancy Pelosi's majority in the House and kicking
her out of the Speaker's chair.
And after the disastrous year our country has had with Biden, Harris, and Pelosi at the helm, we CANNOT afford to fail
this time.
Their disastrous leadership has led to record high gas prices, skyrocketing inflation, out-of-control spending,
and some of the worst foreign policy disasters in decades.
Now, Republicans in Texas and other "red" states are redrawing our state and local electoral maps to make sure the
Democrats don't steal our election again.

In other words, the campaign to take back control of the House doesn't start next year... next month... next week...
or even tomorrow.
It starts right now!
That's why
I'm urgently asking you to send a gift of $20.22 to the Republican Party of Texas to help us win the two new seats and take back the House next
Your contribution of just $20.22 or more today comes at a crucial time.
There are only a few days left in the 3rd fundraising quarter of the year...
...and we must keep up with the massive Democrat fundraising machine that's pouring millions
of dollars into Texas and other "red" states to stop us.
Your generous gift today will give us the resources needed to recruit and train strong conservatives who will not just
fight for our America-first values.
They will WIN.
But the only
way they can is if you step up and contribute $20.22 or more to the Republican Party of Texas today.
I am counting on you to help us retire Nancy Pelosi and take back control of the House of Representatives once and for
Thank you in advance for your timely support.
Matt Rinaldi
Chairman, Republican Party of Texas
Paid for and Authorized by
the Republican Party of Texas
P.O. Box 2206
Austin, TX 78768