Look, we know you get these emails all of the time, John.

This is just one of many messages in your inbox telling you that you can "save the world" if you act right now.

Well, here's what sets Shield PAC apart from the rest of these PACs and orgs.

Our Advisory Committee are candidates who actually lost their House races thanks to the GOP's vicious lies and misinformation campaigns. And they're arming the next candidates with the tools to fight back.

These are Democrats who truly know what it's like to sacrifice everything to achieve a dream. This unique perspective gives us an advantage. We know how damaging these lies are and what we have to do to protect our democracy and our House majority from dangerous Republican lies. And it starts with targeted, effective ads calling out misinformation at the source.

Folks like you keep our mission going strong. If we want a shot at preserving and expanding our razor-thin House majority in 2022, we're going to need to work together.

Will you rush in a donation of $5 or more to protect our House majority? The Republicans will take over unless we get to work right now. There's too much at stake here to sit on the sidelines, John. The House GOP is already blasting through fundraising records this year, outraising Democrats ahead of one of the most pivotal elections of our lifetimes.

We won't sit back and watch our democracy be dismantled by GOP liars and seditionists. That's why we're pouring all of our resources into countering Republican-backed lies and protecting swing-seat House Democrats.

So, John, can you make a contribution right now to help keep our House out of Republican hands? We appreciate your support.

— Shield PAC

P.S. If you want your impact to be maximized, will you consider making a monthly donation so we can keep our ads running all year round?