Have you been following what Pelosi has been up to recently? The fight for election integrity is at our doorstep!
⬇⬇⬇ Nancy Pelosi and Democrats won’t stop until they can push H.R. 4 through the Senate and radically transform our election system.
What will that mean?
❌ Permanent Ban on Voter ID ❌ Federalized Election where Pelosi writes the rules ❌ Ballot Harvesting and Ballot Drop Boxes ❌ No Excuse Mail-In Voting
If this makes it through the Senate it will be the end of free and fair elections. We can’t let that happen!
Every American needs to join the fight to stop this federal overreach, and that’s why we’ve put together the Election Integrity Defense Team!
John, we need you in the fight to protect our electionsーsign up NOW to become an Election Integrity Defender and support the fight for election integrity >>
Thank you, Election Integrity Defense Team