Weekend of Congress People!
Come out and join Mikie Sherrill and Tom Malinowski for a jam-packed weekend of fun. This is a long one, but there's some great stuff not to be missed. Scroll through the whole email or the email will be very sad. Mikie in Mountain Lakes!
Join Rep. Mikie Sherrill and support our candidates in LD25 at the home of Khizar and Nadia Sheikh in Mountain Lakes! This is just the beginning of a fun-filled Saturday with the Tri-Town Democrats.
Be sure to join their 2:00pm Boonton Canvass on the same day, launching from the same place. So convenient!
You can even tag along for the 4:30 post-canvass meetup at Boonton Station. Sign ups, as always, are listed below.
Muffins with Malinowski
On Sunday, Rep. Tom Malinowski will also be helping to support our LD25 Candidates during a brunch hosted by MCDC Vice-Chair Robin Gurin!
Complimentary Canvassing Busy as a gosh darn beaver, Tom Malinowski will be launching two different canvasses in Western Morris on Sunday! Starting in Mount Olive at 10:30am on Sunday before hitting up Roxbury at 1:30pm to send out their fabulous volunteers!
Looking to Stay Home?
Join our Vote by Mail Phonebank and remind the people of Morris County to return their ballot!