Religious Vocations and the
One has to wonder if some of the
confusion and fallout of the Coronavirus will fall on the
priesthood itself. With
parishes shut down for so long or turned into shadows of their former
selves, there is very little
talk of a vibrant priesthood or healthy religious life. What young
person would want to join what
they have very little contact with? Although we know there were many
deficiencies in the Church at the height of the pandemic, there were
also inspiring, and heroic actions carried out by not just a few of
our sacred clergy. Many of them turned out to hear “open air”
confessions seven days a week, arrange adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament and console so many.
Due to aging and declining numbers,
many priests are either overworked or struggling with being turned into functionaries, having to
implement secular rules imposed on them and their people during this pandemic, which
have driven divisions into their own communities.
On the larger scale of the Church,
even more divisions abound, the pagan culture runs roughshod over religious instruction and
practice, churches are being burned down, and the voice of the enemy echoes off the very
walls of our Church. Inside the Church, it seems as though the priests who uphold
orthodoxy are the ones getting ostracized and disciplined while the dissenters run rampant
over Church doctrine with impunity.
The priests and religious have a
vital mission of saving souls, and that mission is being encumbered at every turn today. Where will
we be a generation from now if we don’t have competent and zealous sacred vocations
to serve our Church?
It is our duty to be the Faithful
Echo of the Church’s traditional esteem for its own religious who sacrifice their lives for the
good of the flock – for us! Remember: no priest, no Eucharist. No religious, no religious
instruction and encouragement.
We must pray regularly in
thanksgiving and support for the good priests and
religious who are generously
serving on the front lines of the Church today. They have a
tough job and need our
spiritual support! Not only
that, but we must also remember to pray constantly for an increase of
vibrant and orthodox vocations
to the priesthood and religious life. God will always
provide shepherds for His
flock, but only when the flock itself prays for them,
humbly acknowledging our need
for their essential services and roles in getting our souls
to heaven!
Take a moment today to do two
Call to mind a holy priest or nun who
helped you at some point in your spiritual journey and say a
prayer of thanksgiving for that generous soul (whether living or
deceased); pray that his or her good example may continue to have an
impact on the lives and souls of many others; also
Pray the Prayer for Vocations below
and “beg the lord of the harvest to send workers into his
vineyard” (Matthew 9:32-38). And pray that He will send not just any
religious vocations to us – pray that He will send us saints!
Prayer for Vocations
Heavenly Father, Lord of the
harvest, call forth vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life from our diocese and
our families. Inspire men to imitate Christ the Eternal High Priest in sacrificial service to
Your Church.
Move the hearts of men and
women to offer themselves wholly to You in poverty, chastity, and obedience. Send them
as laborers for Your harvest.
Inspire the faithful to support
them with prayer and sacrifice. Raise up holy families who foster openness to Your call.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Your Fellow Rosary Warrior in
Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
P.S. To help expand the worldwide live streamed Operation Storm
Heaven event for October 1st, please forward this email to your family
and friends and ask them to click