Dear Patriot,
Evidence is mounting that Anthony Fauci and his buddies have put the entire world in a very dire situation, and they
ALL need to be shut down. Reports are coming out in the foreign press that Fauci-connected Dr.
Peter Daszak, the head of EcoHealth Alliance, was proposing what would amount to germ warfare by spraying “chimeric coronaviruses” into
the air to infect bats and was asking for YOUR MONEY to pay for it. In fact, Daszak revealed in
recently released video footage from a global health conference held in 2017 that “work on coronaviruses in China” was paid for under the
direction of Anthony Fauci through the NIH. This is crazy.
Daszak even went to the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) seeking funding for this extremely dangerous and
reckless germ warfare campaign, a full 18 months BEFORE the first COVID cases were documented.
I cannot believe this is what we’re dealing with, but if we don’t face reality head-on, another one of Fauci and Daszak’s
Frankenstein viruses will get out into the general-public and we’ll all be sunk.
These are the so-called “gain-of-function” viruses that are made in a lab to be MORE CONTAGIOUS.
Patriot, I have to believe another virus is exactly what these medical fascists want, because of the massive transfer of wealth to
the elites and political class that happened with COVID. This report about Daszak comes on the
heels of a major exposé on Fauci by Sky News in Australia that came out on Monday. The report ties Fauci to 60 more such projects in the Wuhan
Lab -- and in conjunction with the communist Chinese Military! According to Sky News
Australia, Fauci was ‘up to his neck’ funding coronavirus research in Wuhan:
Sky News host Sharri Markson has been
investigating Anthony Fauci’s involvement in funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology and discovered his agency “had funded 60 projects at
the Wuhan laboratory.” “Then he wrote a paper where he said gain of
function research was worth the risk of a pandemic, and that he had even funded coronavirus research in conjunction with the Chinese
military,” Ms. Markson said. Mr. Fauci, who has been the Director of the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, apparently stayed silent during Oval Office meetings at the start of the pandemic
about the “risky research that was underway at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”
“He never mentioned that his agency was funding this, and he actually knew a whole lot about it.”
I don’t know about you, but that sounds like criminal activity
followed by a coverup, right when COVID was starting to spread in our country.
This madness needs to come to an end IMMEDIATELY -- before the next big one that has already been cooked up in Wuhan gets out.
Sign the postcard to your Senators and Representative to
ban and completely defund these deadly gain-of function research projects, which likely gave us COVID and turned the entire world upside
down! We have to stop this scientific dictatorship before it
cannot be undone! Please consider your most generous donation today, whether it’s $50, $150, $250, or even more.
This is shaping up to be the most critical part of this fight and it cannot be overstated. If the amounts above are too much, would you consider
chipping in $10 0r $25? Every dollar counts. All the information to shut
Fauci, Daszak, and their other conspirators down and take away their money is right in front of us, but the corrupt media will continue to participate
in the coverup by not reporting it. That’s why it’s of the highest importance for
you and I to continue to get the word out and DEMAND action by Congress as well. Instead of
trying to stop the next gain-of-function virus, the Biden administration and his cronies in the press are focusing on pushing the experimental
vaccination on EVERYONE and taking away the rights of those who do not fall in line.
It’s abundantly clear they do not care about our health -- only about control.
If you needed more evidence about how the medical fascists in the federal government feel about you, consider what just came out on
hidden camera through an undercover video just yesterday. The FDA economist, Taylor Lee was
recorded on camera by independent journalists making some shocking statements about the so-called “unvaccinated,” whom he wants to target
with bullying and even FORCE: >>>Lee: “Census goes door-to-door if you don’t respond. So, we have the
infrastructure to do it [forced COVID vaccinations]. I mean, it’ll cost a ton of money. But I think, at that point, I think there needs to be a
registry of people who aren’t vaccinated. Although that’s sounding very [much like Nazi] Germany.” >>>Lee: “Nazi Germany … I mean, think about it like the Jewish Star [for unvaccinated Americans].”
>>>Lee: “I’m gonna go door-to-door and stab everyone [with the COVID
vaccine], ‘Oh, it’s just your booster shot! There you go!’” This is absolutely disgusting. Patriot, they’re not going to stop
treating us like one giant experiment and I’m not so sure saving ANY lives is their goal.
We have to stop this dangerous research
YESTERDAY – sign the postcard at once to completely SHUT DOWN and DEFUND gain-of-function research.
Then please rush in a donation, whether it’s $10 or $25, or if you
can afford a little more, $50, $150, or even $250. Every single dollar is absolutely
crucial. There is not much time left to stop what’s been cooked up in
labs right under our noses, using our own money, from getting out and creating a potentially much worse outbreak.
And you know the tyrants will only clamp down harder. Just look to Australia’s continued lockdowns and military in the streets
to enforce them. For Liberty,  Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman P.S.
The medical tyrants are leading this country off a cliff, while Congress sits back and lets it happen.
Reports are coming out from all angles about even MORE viruses that were designed by Fauci and his buddies in the
Wuhan lab to be more contagious! Sign the postcard demanding a complete halt and
defunding of gain-of-function research at once! Then consider a generous donation today.
If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here.
The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the
great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means
of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.