
Our end-of-quarter fundraising goal ends next Thursday at midnight and we are counting on you to pitch in and help us reach it!

The Democrats are doing all they can to roll out their disastrous spending bill next month and if we don’t take a stand now we will see tax-hikes, rising inflation, and a national debt so large our children’s children will be paying it!

Beth refuses to stand by as the Radical Left leaves a path of devastation for America. They want to expand the federal government, pass AOC’s Green New Deal, and destroy our energy sector just to score some political points with their districts!
We need more strong policies which will grow the American economy, support American small businesses, and work for the American people!

We know the only way to bring America these policies is by unseating the Radical Left and electing strong conservative Congressional leaders in their place! That’s why Beth is counting on you to pitch in today to push us past our goal and join the fight against the America LAST agenda!
For Texas and America, 
Van Duyne Finance Team