Dear Friend,
While the world has been on hold, we haven’t.
In the last 18 months, we have reached millions of individuals through our advocacy campaigns, provided over $200,000 in direct cash aid to survivors, hosted more than 6,000 virtual meetings and trainings, and served more than 35,000 people.
As we know, home is not a safe place for everyone. One family illustrates the many. Isabel and her children fled violence in their home. Fearful of COVID-19 and on the verge of homelessness, she contacted POV and our skillful staff placed her into a safe hotel space. POV was able to support this family, help them to stabilize, and transition them into a more permanent housing situation. Now her kids are in school, and Isabel continues to heal from trauma and is on her way to independence. This is what bravery looks like.
We are asking for your help to meet the greater demands of our transforming world. The complexities of our new reality require more from all of us: more commitment, more support, more bravery.
Be brave with us. The need for healing social justice has never been greater. Donate now! Visit, or email [email protected].
With gratitude,

Patti Giggans
Executive Director/CEO, Peace Over Violence