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IEN/WMAN Mining Mini-Grants
The goal of the Mining Mini-grants Program is to support and enhance the capacity building efforts of mining-impacted communities in the U.S. and Canada to assure that mining projects do not adversely affect human, cultural, and the ecological health of communities.     Applications accepted are accepted three times a year: June, October, and February. Applicants will be notified of the funding decision within one month of the application deadline.
Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN)
Western Mining Action Network (WMAN)
2021 Grassroots Communities Mining Mini-Grant Program
This round for the 2021 mining mini-grant cycle is closing October 1, but if you
ATTENTION: Application Deadline: OCTOBER 1* 
The IEN-WMAN Mining Mini-Grant Program offers financial grant assistance to communities threatened or adversely affected by mining in the U.S. and Canada.   
In 2021, the IEN-WMAN Mining Mini-Grant program will give away more than $200,000 in $4,000 USD grants to Indigenous communities and non-profit grassroots organizations across the U.S. and Canada. Our goal is to give at least 50% of the Mini-Grants to Indigenous communities.
We recognize that mining activity often has detrimental impacts to all aspects of community and cultural well-being and we encourage projects that strive to protect the environment, ecosystems, cultural resources, and community health from mining impacts. This program is of tremendous value to community-based organizations, many of whom have very few opportunities to access financial support outside of their own pockets.
There are three Mini-Grant cycles per year. Deadlines are February 1, June 1, and October 1.
Applications are accepted for each grant cycle during the month prior to the deadline.
Applicants may only receive one Mini-Grant in a twelve-month period.
To download a copy of the application for review, please click here, however applications will only be accepted through the online form.
Download a copy of the 2021 Mini-Grant Guidelines.
If you have any questions about the program or would like to discuss any of this further, clarify grant guidelines, qualifications, provide project ideas, or pre-view your application before submission.please don't hesitate to contact us: 
Sayokla Williams
Western Mining Action Network-Indigenous Caucus Coordinator 
C: 289-698-0089
Laura Pitkanen,
WMAN Coordinator
There's also an “emergency” fund for extremely time-sensitive projects that fall between grant cycles (i.e., needs that could not have been anticipated at the time of the last cycle and cannot wait to be addressed until the next cycle). These grants will be very limited and awarded on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Mini-Grant Review Committee.
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The Indigenous Environmental Network  |  PO Box 485  |  Bemidji, MN 56619  |

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