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World Resources Institute

World Resources Institute invites you to

Tuesday, October 19, 2021
9:00am - 10:30am EDT


Cities are at the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has laid bare deep inequalities in access to core services, infrastructure and opportunities. Among the many lessons learned, we know that cities must emerge with a deliberate focus on tackling inequality.

So how can cities create healthier communities where all residents can thrive? The launch of Seven Transformations for More Equitable and Sustainable Cities will reveal the latest on what works from cities around the world and present a road map for cities to change course towards more equitable and sustainable growth.

Join WRI experts along with global, city and community leaders to explore the urgency of closing the “urban services divide” in ways that meet local as well as global goals on climate and sustainable development.

The launch event will feature…
  • Results of 6 years and 30+ authors’ research on urban inequality and development
  • Fireside chat between Ani Dasgupta, President and CEO of WRI, and Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director of UN-Habitat, on making progress on the Sustainable Development Goals and COVID-19 recovery
  • Presentation of 7 crucial transformations to reduce inequality and improve citywide outcomes
  • Panel of mayors, city practitioners and community leaders on opportunities and challenges of implementation  
This culminating synthesis of the World Resources Report: Towards a More Equal City presents the results of 14 case studies and thematic working papers revealing that income and GDP can no longer be the sole measures of poverty and a city’s success. We show that improved access to core services like water, sanitation, energy, transport and housing for all urban residents can lead to citywide economic and environmental benefits.  

The stakes—for vulnerable and under-served communities, our economy, our planet and our common future—could not be higher. As cities work to recover from COVID-19 and governments re-invest in infrastructure, decisions made today can either embed poverty, deny opportunity and lock in high emissions for decades to come, or lead to transformative change for people and the planet.

We look forward to engaging with you on Tuesday, October 19 at 9:00am EDT, during this action-oriented event focused on building a different city—a more equal, prosperous and sustainable city that brings benefits to all.


For details, visit our event page and follow WRI Ross Center on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.
Ani Dasgupta
Ani Dasgupta