In recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), the Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women(CSVANW) invites Survivors, advocates, service providers, community members, and Tribal leaders to join us in breaking the silence and raise awareness of domestic violence/intimate partner violence in New Mexico tribal communities.

Our DVAM 2021 webpage holds some important information on how to get involved this DVAM with CSVANW. Here you will find upcoming trainings and events.
What is Domestic violence? It is a pattern of assaultive and coercive behaviors that include physical, sexual, verbal and psychological attacks, as well as economic coercion, that adults or adolescents use against their intimate partners.
These learned behaviors have been intensified by acts of colonization and the imposition of hierarchy and foreign belief systems on Native peoples. These unnatural learned behaviors of power and control includes: using male privilege, isolation, intimidation, emotional abuse, minimizing, lying and blaming, sexual abuse, using children, economic abuse, coercion and threats, cultural abuse, ritual abuse and physical abuse.

We know that more than 4 in 5 American Indian and Alaska Native women (84.3%) and men (81.6%) have experienced violence in their lifetime. In that, 56% of AI/AN women and 43.2% of AI/AN men have experienced physical violence by an intimate partner. At the same time, Native youth are exposed to violence in different sectors of their lives. In addition, our 2SLGBTQ+ relatives and disabled relatives also fall victim to domestic violence.
This DAVM, CSVANW invites you to join the movement to break the silence and build a safe and healthy generation. We also invite you to honor and support the Cycle Breakers in our lives and communities who continue to advocate for survivors and community. Especially our Cycle Breakers who are dismantling Indigenous invisibility in spaces that we have long been overlooked and not represented. 
There are so many ways to breaking the silence this DVAM and forward. Here are some ways you can get involved with CSVANW:

  • Participate in our DVAM Instagram Challenge
  • Register for our I Will Run for Them virtual 5K
  • Attend a few of our DVAM trainings we have scheduled
  • Follow and reshare our posts on social media
  • And/or look into community and see what DVAM events that are out there for you to get involved in.

Learn more about how to get involved at our DVAM 2021 webpage. Here you will learn more about what we have planned and graphics you can share. 
Together, we can break the silence and build a safe and healthy generation!
#DVAM2021 #BreakTheSilence #HonorCycleBreakers #BreakCyclesBuildGens
Get Involved
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#DVAM2021 #BreakTheSilence #HonorCycleBreakers #BreakCyclesBuildGens
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