CNN published a poll last week that claimed 59% of self-identified Republicans say “believing that Donald Trump won the 2020 election” is important to what being a Republican means to them.


The Republican National Committee (RNC) reported having $79 million in the bank at the last FEC reporting deadline — outpacing Democrats by more than $10 million. The driving force behind their fundraising? Donald Trump.

It’s an astonishing amount of cash, thanks to Trump’s personal $100 million campaign warchest and joint fundraising agreements with the RNC. But what’s even more troubling is what Trump is doing to the Republican base:

CNN published a poll last week that claimed 59% of self-identified Republican voters say “believing that Donald Trump won the 2020 election” is important to what being a Republican means to them.

The GOP’s multi-million dollar cash advantage isn’t new. They’ve got Big Pharma, fossil fuel donors and federal lobbyists contributing to their campaigns — unlike Cory, who doesn’t take a penny from those special interests. And we defeated them resoundingly in 2020.

But combined with voters that will elect conspiracy theorists and election deniers like Trump in GOP primaries, our majorities are extremely fragile.

If we don’t close the fundraising gap before next week’s FEC deadline, we’ll be at a serious disadvantage. Investing in races early can make the difference between winning and losing, which is what makes your support so essential to helping Cory defend our Senate majority.

With the FEC deadline next week and our campaign falling behind the GOP’s fundraising — can you pitch in right now to help us close the gap? Every donation helps Cory and our team build the resources to protect and expand our slim Democratic majorities next November.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Despite the devastation caused by Hurricane Ida, we can't lose hope because we’re making progress every day.

Because of our four-seat majority in the House and one-seat majority in the Senate, we’ve sped up vaccinations, expanded the Child Tax Credit to cut child poverty in half, and enrolled a record number of Americans under the Affordable Care Act to help our people get through this pandemic.

We can’t afford to slow down our fundraising efforts and put our Democratic majorities at risk. Voting rights, health care, the environment — it’s all on the line.

This grassroots team has come through for Cory time and again. With the FEC deadline right around the corner, and our campaign behind on fundraising after pausing all grassroots fundraising efforts to help New Jersey recover from Hurricane Ida, this is another one of those times that we need to have Cory’s back.

Can you chip in right now to help Cory defend our Senate majority and help elect new Democrats to expand our majorities? Your $10 donation makes a difference.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you for supporting Cory at this critical time for our campaign. We couldn’t do this without you.

— Team Booker