Americans spend more on prescription drugs than anyone else in the world and that’s not accidental. Pro-industry laws have allowed drugmakers to set any price they want for their products. And while the pharmaceutical industry consistently rakes in huge profits, everyday Americans struggle to afford life-saving prescription drugs. That’s plain wrong — and I have been working with my colleagues to change that.

Our Build Back Better Budget begins to address this problem by finally providing Medicare with the power to negotiate lower prescription drug prices. Americans should not be paying so much more for the same drug than others around the world.

That’s especially true because American taxpayers already make important investments in federal medical research that generate the very discoveries that many pharmaceutical companies use to develop their drugs. Big Pharma should not get the benefit of that taxpayer investment and then turn around and engage in price gouging against those same taxpayers and consumers.

But Big Pharma is happy with the existing rules of the game — and are working overtime to flip votes in the Congress and defeat this provision. Without the help of millions of Americans demanding action, it will be hard to get this done.

Our plan is full of common sense measures like this that will benefit everyday Americans and help build a stronger and more inclusive economy with more shared prosperity. Can you chip in today to support our work to mobilize a grassroots movement to push the Build Back Better agenda over the finish line?

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Our Build Back Better Budget will generate more good paying jobs, cut taxes, lower costs for working families and much more – all paid for by making the tax code fairer and making the wealthiest and large corporations do more to support the success of the entire country. Let’s get it done!

As always, thank you for your continued support.
