Heads up: Saturday, October 2 – March with Refuse Fascism at the Women’s Marches:
Everyone! Everywhere! Stop
the Fascist Assault on Abortion Rights!
Refuse Fascism podcast
Fascist Mobs: 1850 to Today
Ankush Khardori talks about the Merrick Garland DOJ and the (dim)
prospects of real accountability for the Trump regime. Articles
discussed include Merrick Garland’s Moderation to Excess and Who Will Answer For this Cruelty? Tony Norman talks about his recent article Fugitive Slave Act Redux: On the run in Texas … and America in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

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Ankush Khardori:
...We need to know what was happening in the White House January 6. We still
don’t actually have a full account of what he was doing that day.
Republicans in Congress like Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz have been extremely
cagey. Now they’ve admitted that they spoke to him, but they won’t
really say what about. I think that strong suggestion, to put my former
prosecutor hat on, is that something very problematic was said on those
phone calls. The consequences of not taking a firmer approach is we’re
just going to see a more elaborate version of this the next time someone
wants to pursue this approach. Maybe it’s not going to be quite as
overt as a physical siege of the Capitol, but you have already seen that
they’re putting the pieces in place throughout the country for a
similar result to be achieved through non-democratic means that are
non-violent. That will look less scary, but will get us potentially to
an election that is itself illegitimate. In a sense, that’s not
representative of our democracy...The lack of accountability, it’s very
dangerous. It opens up our legal system and our democracy to serious
long term risks...
Tony Norman:
...You could just have a suspicion
that someone is having an abortion and all of a sudden, all sorts of
things start happening. The criminal justice system is immediately
engaged. That’s what happened under those Fugitive Slave Acts. Imagine
1856-57 and you’re a free Black in Pittsburgh or Philadelphia, or
somewhere in Connecticut or New York, and a posse of five white men
arrive at the place you’re renting or your property. They have a
document that says that you are XYZ and that they have been enjoined to
take you back into bondage in Virginia or South Carolina...Now here in 2021, they’re even more
clever. What they do is they basically just turn all the people in
Texas into the secret police. Look at your
neighbors. Your neighbor involved in an abortion? You’ve got 10 grand
coming to you if you can prove that that person is aiding and abetting
in an abortion. That’s even more sinister than what we had in 1851...None of this is an accident. All
of this is about restoring the hegemony of white power...
Sam Goldman:
...The road the Biden administration is trying to get people on is a road
of calls for unity. That’s a big part of what they’re doing. And part of
that is unity, with who? With people who don’t care about the rule of
law. Unity with people who sought to hang the Vice President; unity with
people who want Nancy Pelosi dead; people who wanted to overturn a fair
and free election. That’s what they want unity with; with white
supremacists, unity with misogynists, unity with xenophobes. What that
amounts to is, you’re only going to get reconciliation on the fascists’
terms, it’s not going to be on your terms. It’s going to constantly be
you, the ones seeking the unity, making the concessions...
Saturday, October 2 – March with Refuse Fascism at the Women’s Marches:
Everyone! Everywhere! Stop
the Fascist Assault on Abortion Rights!
The war on abortion, waged by woman-hating, theocratic Christian
fascists for decades, has been the linchpin of a vicious American
fascist movement built on white supremacy, misogyny, and xenophobia;
they have terrorized women at abortion clinics, murdered abortion
doctors, and mobilized massive marches of indoctrinated followers who
see women as breeders of children and the property of men. They were a
key organizing force behind the rise of Trump and Pence to the White
House, bestowing power to a regime that then stacked the courts with
Christian fascist judges and created a pro-fascist majority on The
Supreme Court, a court which is now poised to overturn the fundamental
right to abortion...read more
In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America!
Get Your Laws and Vigilantes Off Our Bodies!
Abortion on Demand and Without Apology!
>> Let us know your plans for Saturday October 2 actions to defend abortion rights
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