People For Member, Early voting has already begun in the Virginia Governor’s race – and the most recent polling shows a neck-and-neck race! [1] This governorship is the Far Right's latest and biggest takeover target this fall – and if the Republicans win, it would not only set Virginia back decades on issues like health care, voting rights, and criminal justice reform, it would also embolden the extremist wing of the party going into the critical 2022 midterms. As a member of People For the American Way, you know that we’ve worked tirelessly to turn the critical bellwether state of Virginia blue over the last several election cycles. Now we need your help to keep Virginia moving forward under a Democratic administration. Thanks to a generous matching grant from one of our funders, all donations will be 3X-MATCHED by the end of the month – but we need to raise the full $150K to unlock the match!!! The Republican candidate, Glenn Youngkin, is an ultrawealthy Trump-endorsed extremist with zero public service experience. He’s spending tens of millions of dollars of his own fortune to defeat former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, and his tactics are just what you’d expect from the Far Right these days: lies, conspiracy theories, COVID-19 misinformation, and appeals to racist hate and stereotyping to stoke fear among white voters. And it’s not just the governor’s race at stake here – progressive candidates, running down-ballot for state House and even local school boards, are being targeted by these hateful tactics as well. We have a robust campaign plan for Virginia that includes grassroots mobilization efforts to turn out every last progressive vote, and large-scale ad campaigns to mobilize Black and Latino voters. But with Election Day in less than six weeks, we urgently need your help! All donations from now through the end of the month will be 3X-MATCHED, up to a total of $150K! As a member of People For, you understand what’s at stake in this election – not just for Virginians, but for our country as a whole. What happens in Virginia will set the tone and determine who has momentum as we head into next year’s critical midterm election year. And Virginia could also be the final state that ratifies the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. But none of this will happen if far-right Republicans seize the Virginia governorship. We’re already on the air with two different Spanish-language ads to get out the Latino vote. And starting this week, we’ll be reaching Black voters with powerful messages encouraging them to get out and vote early, on Black radio stations in every major market across the state. Thank you everything you do, and for standing with us shoulder-to-shoulder in this important fight! -- Ben Jealous, President
Sources: 1. Poll: McAulliffe and Youngkin in tight race for Virginia governor,” Politico, 9/17/21