My extended family owned a dairy farm. That’s where I first learned how gentle, smart, and playful cows truly are. How much they love frolicking with their best friends. How fantastic they are at remembering faces. How fiercely they love their babies.
My family’s farm also happened to be the place where I learned just how much these sweet animals suffer when they’re raised only to provide food for humans.
I can’t just stand by while millions of animals—cows, pigs, chickens—are hurting on factory farms. That’s why I’m doubling every single donation that comes in between now and World Farm Animals Day—October 2—up to $50,000.
Calves born into the dairy industry will be separated from their mothers within hours or days of birth, causing severe emotional trauma to both. Mother cows will bellow for days, calling out for their stolen baby.
World Farm Animals Day is a day to honor the innocent animals suffering in our broken food system by taking action to end their abuse. While so many people never truly know what happens behind the closed doors of factory farms, you and I do. We’ve seen the suffering, we understand their pain, and together we can do something about it.
Let’s shine a light on the overcrowded feedlots, the windowless sheds, the barren cages. Let’s shout about it at the top of our lungs. And then let’s take a stand. We have just over a week. Let’s make this World Farm Animals Day count.
I give to The Humane League because I know that every gift maximizes my impact and brings us closer to a world where no hen forgets what it’s like to spread her wings, no pig lives her whole life in a metal cage, and no calf cries as he’s dragged away from his mother.
Will you join me?
In community,
Melody Hildebrandt
Mended Heart Society Member |
P.S. Make your donation by October 2, and I will make your gift go twice as far, up to $50,000. We have just over a week to make it happen. This World Farm Animals Day, let’s rally.
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