I’ve got three things I want you to know, team:

  1. Arizona is a must-win seat if Democrats want to take back the Senate next year.

  2. Democrat Mark Kelly is running to take back the Senate from GOP rubber stamp Senator Mitch McConnell and is only behind by one point.

  3. Mark is running a grassroots campaign that relies on hardworking donors like you to step up and help him fight back against dark money groups.

It’s clear the GOP is scared of losing this seat. Mark is facing an avalanche of McConnell-backed, dark money attacks. Plus, a new organization called “2020 Senate Battleground Committee” was just created to bankroll Republican attacks against Mark.

There is no path to taking back the Senate without electing Mark Kelly in Arizona. This is going to be one of the most competitive races of the cycle. So, I have to ask:

Can you split a contribution between our campaigns now to help Mark flip Arizona and take back the Senate for Democrats?


Thanks for doing your part to help us take back the Senate.
