Here we go again, John --

Washington Republicans are hellbent on repealing the Affordable Care Act and taking away our health care -- again!

The GOP just unveiled their new “health care” plan that strips away hard won protections against pre-existing conditions. This is another attempt by Trump and the Republicans to undo the progress we made under President Obama.

Democrats in the know are already saying this health care plan is worse than Trumpcare, which we didn’t think was possible.

John, the only way to stop the Republican attacks on our health care is to win back the Senate. So we’re asking:

Can you rush a contribution of $10 or more to help us Flip the Senate and fight back against any and all attacks the Republicans launch on our health care in the coming months? Lives depend on it.
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It’s déjà vu all over again. We’re sick of it. So let’s end the madness by doubling down on our fight to take back the Senate. We can do this.

Thanks for everything.

— Flip the Senate
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