From Union City <[email protected]>
Subject Silver Line Phase 2 misses Labor Day deadline
Date September 23, 2021 9:50 AM
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Martire: As Silver Line Phase 2 misses Labor Day deadline, Surfside collapse still looms

Labor On The Move: Julie Tippens is AFGE's new Legislative Director

Today's Labor Quote

Today's Labor History

[link removed] THIS WEEK'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings

Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report

Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work
Thu, September 23, 1pm - 2pm
WPFW 89.3 FM or [link removed] listen online.
Hosts: Chris Garlock and Ed Smith; JOIN US AT 202-588-0893.
Guests include: Gino Renne: County Council Bill could end Collective Bargaining; Lisa Gregory, BCTGM: update on the just-concluded Nabisco strike; Sheri Davis-Faulkner: 2021 [link removed] Womxn's Labor Leadership Symposium & Awards September 30-October 1.

Arlington Dems Labor Caucus

Thu, September 23, 6pm - 7pm

Meeting of union members and friends of labor in Arlington; in-person meeting at Westover Beer Garden, 5863 Washington Blvd, Arlington, VA.

Labor on the Bimah: 6th & I, Washington, DC
Thu, September 23, 7pm - 9pm
Virtual service; [link removed] Details here.

Check out the best of labor radio and podcasts on the latest Labor Radio Podcast Weekly: [link removed] Stick Together; Red Dead Redemption; Activate Live; The Solidarity Center Podcast; Belabored; Working Class History; Grit NW

Martire: As Silver Line Phase 2 misses Labor Day deadline, Surfside collapse still looms
"A large portion of concrete panels and columns contained cracks, some concrete quality certification was fraudulent, and much of the structure is susceptible to failure due to water damage," writes LiUNA Mid-Atlantic regional manager Dennis L. Martire in the Loudoun Times-Mirror. "Sound familiar? It may refer to the Florida condominium high-rise that collapsed -- as well as the Silver Line Phase 2 metro project in Northern Virginia." Martire says that "The project has been plagued by multi-year delays and multi-million dollar cost overruns, but it is the construction quality that should be raising the most alarming red flag for Metro, which is overseeing construction." [link removed] Read more here.[link removed]

Labor On The Move: Julie Tippens is AFGE's new Legislative Director
The American Federation of Government Employees on Wednesday announced Julie Tippens as the union's Director of the Legislative, Political, and Mobilization Department. Tippens joined AFGE in 2016 and has since served as the Retiree Program Director and the Deputy Legislative Director. Prior to joining AFGE, Tippens spent decades on Capitol Hill as an advocate and congressional staffer, serving as chief of staff to three different members, Executive Director of the House Democratic Caucus, and Financial Services Director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Most recently before joining AFGE, Ms. Tippens served as the Director of Strategic Partnerships and Grassroots at the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.

Today's Labor Quote: UFCW Local 1994

"How long before they take away the rights of our public health nurses, our bus drivers, or our parks workers?"

Reacting to proposed Bill 34-20 in the Montgomery County Council, which Local 1994 says threatens public sector bargaining rights.


This week's Labor History Today podcast: Rich Trumka on [link removed] "Art is why they remember our struggles." Last week's show: [link removed] Live from The Battle of Blair Mountain!

The Workingman's Advocate of Chicago publishes the first installment of The Other Side, by Martin A. Foran, president of the Coopers' International Union. Believed to be the first novel by a trade union leader and some say the first working-class novel ever published in the U.S. - 1868

A coalition of Knights of Labor and trade unionists in Chicago launch the United Labor party, calling for an 8-hour day, government ownership of telegraph and telephone companies, and monetary and land reform. The party elects seven state assembly men and one senator - 1886

A 42-month strike by Steelworkers at Bayou Steel in Louisiana ends in a new contract and the ousting of scabs - 1996

California Gov. Gray Davis (D) signs legislation making the state the first to offer workers paid family leave - 2002

A group of about 80 tech contractors working for Google in Pittsburgh vote to join the Steelworkers in the hope of bargaining improved wages and benefits. Although working alongside full Google employees, the HCL Technologies subcontractors receive only a few of the normal Google perks. Google's temporary, vendor and contract workers outnumber the company's full-time employees. 2019

- David Prosten.

Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.

Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.

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