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Rent Control Town Hall

TOMORROW, Thursday, October 24, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
@ the Cleveland Park Library in D.C.


Our DSA chapter recently voted to support the Reclaim Rent Control campaign to strengthen and expand rent control in D.C. But what does that mean? And how will we win this fight?

To learn more about possible answers to those questions, join us tomorrow, Thursday, October 24, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for a rent control town hall at the Cleveland Park Library.

At the town hall, we'll hear from experts, organizers, and tenants about the past, present, and future of rent control in D.C, with plenty of time for discussion. 

You can find the event listed on Facebook and Meetup. The full town hall agenda is below:

  • Welcome and opening (3 minutes)
  • D.C. Rent Control 101 workshop (40 minutes)
  • Short presentations from panelists (15 minutes)
  • Q&A discussions with panelists (25 minutes)
  • Closing (2 minutes)
As organizers in California, New York, and Oregon have shown, truly universal rent control laws are possible. With D.C. experiencing the most intense gentrification of anywhere in the country, we must act to pass similar rent control laws here.

If you have any questions about the upcoming town hall, please email [email protected]. We hope to see you at the town hall!

In Solidarity,
The Metro D.C. DSA Steering Committee

P.S. Our chapter — along with 20+ allied organizations — is also hosting a big rent control rally this Saturday at 3:00 p.m. in D.C. Check out the rally event page to sign up and for location details. 
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