
We Are Green - Climate Action Now
The Illinois Green Party stands up for environmental justice. In siting and permitting decisions, the government must consider the impact of all pollution sources in a community and must put a halt to the victimization of poor and oppressed communities. Communities that have been victimized already by extraordinary levels of pollutants or toxic or radioactive contamination must be afforded fast and effective protection, fast remediation and intensive healthcare monitoring and care. Indeed, we support a government commitment to medically treat and compensate all workers and residents exposed to and potentially sickened by exposure to toxic or radioactive contamination, and for thorough studies to discover any clusters” of illness that have occurred. We support the implementation and enforcement of community
“right to know” laws.
Where environmental issues arise on any policy question, the Illinois Green Party will consistently support environmental protection over destruction, saving natural ecosystems and endangered species, and promoting the long-term sustainability of the human race and other living things over corporate capitalism’s short sighted quest for maximum profit.
We Are Green - Reproductive Rights
The Illinois Green Party supports the goal of making every child a wanted child: Defend and support women’s full right to reproductive choice –including genuine social support for those who choose to bear children, affordable access to safe abortion for those who do not, and better sex education and access to contraception for all. We are motivated by considerations of gender equality, privacy and civil rights, consistent with Green Party values.
We Are Green - Immigration
All persons fleeing political, racial, religious, or other types of persecution must be welcomed, offered asylum and offered an opportunity for permanent resident status, excluding only those who are clear risks to public safety. Family reunification must be a priority in accepting applications for permanent residency. The years of waiting that families are currently put through must be ended.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, September 22nd, at 7:00 PM
DuPage County Green Party hosts monthly Hot Topics sessions on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7pm. This is not a business meeting. No agenda. No action items. Just a lively exchange of ideas! Greens and friends of Greens are very welcome from outside of DuPage County!
September Topic: Vaccine Passports
Global Climate Strike - September 24th
Chicago - 1pm Grant Park, Chicago
Aurora - 3-6pm Simmons Park, Aurora
Champaign - 12-2pm Alma Mater at UIUC, Urbana
Weekly Organizer Meeting - Saturdays from 10-11 AM CDT
Join the Illinois Green Party every week for onboarding information, check-ins, and more!

Live Green- It's Too Late for Gradual Policy
Illinois Green Party is a grassroots political party.
We do not accept corporate contributions.
Thank you for your support!
With peace,
Illinois Green Party Outreach
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