Republican Jewish Coalition

John --

I am honored to let you be among the first to know that the RJC PAC is endorsing Senator Thom Tillis’ (R-NC) re-election campaign this cycle! The RJC PAC sees what I see in Sen. Tillis, that he is a terrific leader in the Senate, an important voice for our agenda, and as it turns out, also in a very difficult race.

Sen. Tillis earned a reputation as someone who got things done. His efforts include everything from fighting discriminatory boycotts of Israel by co-sponsoring both the Israel Anti-Boycott Act and the Combating BDS Act, to opposing the failed Iran nuclear deal as well as supporting the move of the US Embassy to Israel’s true capital, Jerusalem. 

Just as importantly, Sen. Tillis is a passionate advocate for the GOP agenda of cutting wasteful government spending, lowering the tax burden on all Americans and small businesses, and advocating for active military members, their families, and our veterans.

Sen. Tillis is going to be in for the fight of his life this cycle, and I hope you join me in supporting him today.


Matt Brooks

RJC Executive Director


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