Every day, Trump finds new ways to undermine the law.

Add your name before midnight!

President Trump’s corruption is seemingly endless, and John, he finds new ways to abuse his power and undermine the law.

Here’s what Trump has done just this week:

  • He called the constitutional ban on profiting from the presidency “phony.”
  • His Administration has completely defied lawful subpoenas and document requests.
  • He stood by his shakedown of a foreign government and called it “perfect.”

Trump INSISTS he’s above the law, but we know better. No one is above the law -- not even the president.

I need to know you will stand by me through it all. Sign my emergency petition and condemn Trump’s corruption and abuse of power. We need 25,000 signatures before MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.

Sign your name and condemn Trump’s corruption and promise to stand with me as we hold him accountable.

Don’t let up,


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Paid for by Nancy Pelosi for Congress

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