Plus: As Vaccine Mandates Increase, Religious Exemptions Come Under Fire
September 22 2021
Democrats’ War on Blacks Keeps Growing in Pandemic
By Roger Simon

Democrats’ calling Republicans “racist,” as they do on a ritual basis, is one of the more nauseating examples of projection in human history.
As Vaccine Mandates Increase, Religious Exemptions Come Under Fire
By Mary Margaret Olohan

Pressure from activists and mandate-minded lawmakers suggests that Americans’ religious objections to taking COVID-19 vaccines face serious official inquisition.
Biden’s UN Speech Panders to Globalists
By James Carafano

The president was singularly focused on climate change, ignoring many pressing security and diplomatic challenges faced by the U.S. and our allies.
The Path to Financial Health: Graduate, Work, Marry, and Have Children
By Terence Jeffrey

People who drop out of high school, don’t work, and have children out of wedlock generally earn less and are more likely to live in poverty.
ICYMI: Clarence Thomas' Remarks Reveal America's True Culture War
By Star Parker

Despite the strident voices dividing us today, Clarence Thomas observes “there are many more of us, I think, who feel America is not so broken as it is adrift at sea.”

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