Dear Friend of Defenders,
The wildlife we love are fighting for their lives every day.
Orcas are starving, their food supply cut off. Big Oil is trying to invade critical polar bear habitat. And wolves are once again facing bounty hunters in hostile anti-wolf states.
If we want to save them, we need to be ready to take drastic action.
That's why an anonymous donor has stepped up and put forward a challenge: If 1,000 people rise up and donate $15 or more before October 31st, this dedicated supporter will pitch in another $25,000 to save wildlife!
Your generous gift of $15 or more, plus this challenge gift, keeps effective and smart conservation efforts in place, tirelessly protecting imperiled species across the country.
Here's what your contribution makes possible:
Dozens of lawsuits we've filed on behalf of red wolves, Mexican gray wolves, polar bears, right whales and other threatened and endangered animals;
Tireless efforts by our field teams across the country responsible for science, public education and state-level advocacy;
Science-based advocacy in Washington D.C. to keep the heat on the Administration and the Congress; and
A voice for those animals that have no voice of their own.
But that sorely-needed help for wildlife doesn't happen without you!
We know you love wildlife and you're worried about their future. You're appalled by special interests motivated by greed and using their political muscle to wipe away decades of conservation progress. And you mourn as you see so many animal species being pushed to the brink.
This is your chance to change all that. Your donation in addition to the $25,000 challenge, will hold the line against these assaults on our most vulnerable species. And it will distinguish you as a champion for threatened and endangered animals.
Jamie Rappaport Clark |