Friend, This is how eager far-right Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee are to rehabilitate the image of Trump Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh... When President Biden’s nominee to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Jennifer Sung went before the Senate Judiciary Committee for her hearing, it quickly became clear that the right-wing members of the committee had a very specific agenda: punish her for having opposed – in her personal capacity as a Yale Law alumna – the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Oregon Employment Relations Board (ERB) Member Jennifer Sung is a stellar nominee, who has a strong track record of standing up for everyday Americans and workers and would be the first Asian American from Oregon to sit on the Ninth Circuit. Will you help stand up the to the Far Right's smears and demand her swift confirmation? Member Sung is extraordinarily well-qualified to serve on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals – she has decades of experience with workers’ rights and would bring a vital perspective to this prestigious court. It’s unconscionable – but not surprising – that Senate Republicans like Ted Cruz (R-TX) and John Kennedy (R-LA) are trying so hard to prevent her confirmation just because of a letter she signed opposing the confirmation of now-Justice Kavanaugh. I’ve experienced Sen. Cruz’s malicious questioning at a Senate committee hearing myself, so believe me when I say that Member Sung’s calm and reasoned response was no small feat. In fact, it’s more proof that she belongs on the federal bench. Add your name now to join me in supporting Jennifer Sung’s confirmation to the Ninth Circuit. >> With workers’ rights being chipped away by far-right state legislators and Trump judges every day, it’s vital that we have someone who understands working families and workers’ rights serving on the Ninth Circuit. We need the Senate to confirm her to the federal bench right away. Thank you for everything you do. Ben Jealous, President