DFA is competing in CREDO’s giveaway this month and we have a chance to win up to $150,000 to support our efforts to elect progressives up and down the ballot all across the country, all we need is your vote.
Right now, we’re currently in SECOND place but if everyone who opens this email takes just 30 seconds to vote, we'd easily be out in front.
So, please take a few seconds to vote now.
FACT: Every month, CREDO gives thousands of dollars to organizations like DFA to help them invest in critical races, build out their infrastructure, and advance the progressive agenda.
FACT: DFA is competing in CREDO’s giveaway this month and we have a chance to win up to $150,000 to support our efforts to elect progressives up and down the ballot all across the country.
FACT: That amount of money would have an immediate impact as we fight off the GOP’s attacks on voting rights in key battleground states across the country.
FACT: Your vote could be the difference between us coming out on top or falling behind the pack.
FACT: We only have eight days left until CREDO closes its competition.
We need your vote, John! Click here to vote now for DFA and help us win $150,000!
Amanda Ford
Chief of Staff
Democracy for America