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Dear Fellow Patriot,

Have you seen what's happening in Australia? 

It has reverted back to its roots as a prison colony for the Brits. 

It's prisoners have been forcibly vaccinated. 

They've been forcibly quarantined -- locked inside their houses for 23 hours per day. 

Their government overlords are tracking their movements when they leave the house. 

And guess what? If we don't get serious about fighting back, we're next

That's why it's so imperative that you to chip into my election campaign today and let me know you have my back while I fight like hell against Communist Joe Biden's vaccine mandate

The Communists will never just leave us alone. 

They will keep forcing these mandates down our throats until we finally put our foot down. 

It's crucial that we don't wait any longer to get serious. 

Put your foot down now with a generous contribution to my election campaign

Your contribution will help me retire a worthless RINO who is doing NOTHING to combat the tyranny of the Communist Democrats

Dr. Fauci and the CDC have had almost 20 months to get this pandemic under control. 

They've failed, and they've lied over and over to the American people. 

Now, because of their failures, they have to force you to take the vaccine, or lose your livelihood. 

Mark my words: they will keep adding restrictions until America turns into Australia, unless we get organized and fight back. 

That's why I'm in urgent need of your support today

Anything you can give will help me purchase radio and TV ads, along with campaign materials to get the word out about me -- the only strong, America First candidate in the race.

Thank you for stepping up in this crucial time. 

For America,

Jan Morgan Signature
Jan Morgan

Republican for United States Senate

P.S. Communist Dictator Biden is going to turn America into Australia.

His first move is mandating the COVID vaccine.

Chip into my America First campaign today and show these Communist Democrats that you won't let them steal any more of your liberty without a fight


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