Things are coming down to the wire in Congress — and our entire agenda is at stake.
The Build Back Better Act would lower prescription drug prices and expand Medicare to include dental, vision and hearing. It would make pre-K free and universal and expand the child tax credit. It would invest in clean energy, create millions of good paying jobs in the process, and much, much more.
But a group of obstructionist, corporate Democrats in the House and Senate are trying to massively shrink this bill or kill it altogether.
With President Biden holding a series of talks with lawmakers this week, and a critical vote coming up in the House on Monday, these obstructionist Democrats need to hear about how important the Build Back Better Act is to all of us.
On Thursday at 6pm ET/3pm PT, WFP members from across the country are coming together to call voters in key states and districts and connect them with the representatives who hold the fate of our entire agenda in their hands. RSVP to join us — and special guest Rep. Jamaal Bowman — and let's make some calls!
Phonebank with Rep. Jamaal Bowman for the Build Back Better Act
Thursday, September 23rd, 6pm ET/3pm PT
WFP members from across the country will be joining this phonebank on Thursday to call voters in Arizona, West Virginia, California, New Jersey and New York and patch them through to the offices of Senators Manchin and Sinema and key members of the House.
We'll train you on how to make calls and how to connect constituents directly to these offices. All you need is a computer and a phone.
We know these members of Congress have been hearing a lot from their corporate campaign donors who want to kill our agenda. Let's make sure they hear from the working people who elected them too.
RSVP now to join us on Thursday to make calls for the Build Back Better Act.
In solidarity,
Team WFP

Become a Working Families Party Member! Other political groups have corporate donors. We have you. Just $10 a month supports our fight.
Paid for by Working Families Party National PAC (77 Sands St. #6, Brooklyn, NY, 11201).