We need to make sure abortion is safe, legal and afforable. Sign the petition: Repeal the Hyde Amendment.
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This year, the House passed the first spending bill in 45 years without including discriminatory language, known as the Hyde Amendment, that bans abortion coverage under government-funded health plans. But in the Senate, every single Republican voted to restore it.
With that vote, the Senate upheld decades of policy allowing discrimination against low-income people that will continue to affect their ability to make decisions about their bodies. This is a harmful attack on Americans' health that disproportionately affects lower-income people and people of color. And it's time to end it.
With the news out of Texas, we can't afford to wait - we need to protect everyone's right to own their own reproductive health decisions.
The House has done its part, but we must act now to end discrimination in reproductive health choices before this bill is conferenced with the Senate and signed into law.
It's past time we allowed people, regardless of privilege, to be able to make health care decisions for themselves. Sign the petition today: demand that Congress repeal the Hyde Amendment.
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