In this issue:


TONIGHT 5:30PM: Transit Safety for All

Rider safety is a key feature of a well-run transit system. Incidents of harassment, crime, and violence on transit vehicles and near transit stops compromise riders’ safety, degrade their sense of dignity, and dissuade many from using transit.

But safety means different things to different people. As we talk about safety and how we can achieve it, we must center the diverse experiences and needs of those who ride.

Join the discussion tonight!


Our Response to 2022 Muni Proposals

SFMTA faces serious challenges and uncertainty in its financial future and restoring service. Last Tuesday we hosted Jeff Tumlin and SFMTA staff to discuss their proposed plans for Muni service in 2022. You can view the full recording here.

Unfortunately, it is clear that no plan provides sufficient service to meet our city's needs. Each represents a reduction in pre-pandemic service. Additionally, we are concerned that the outreach time and effort is far too abbreviated and won’t capture enough rider input; that too many parts of the proposal pit riders against riders; and that going through this process now will only erode public confidence in Muni, making it harder to pass essential and significant funding for Muni in 2022.


Upcoming Transit Month Events

Transit Month Social
Sun. 9/26, 2:00pm
Reducing Emissions, Improving Transit
Wed. 9/29, 5:30pm
Bay Area Rider First Awards Party
Fri. 10/1, 5:00pm


We won permanent transit-only lanes for the T Third! 

The 4th Street Bridge has always been a pinch point for the T Third. Since car traffic shares lanes with the train tracks at this bottleneck between Mission Bay and South of Market, T Third trains are frequently delayed. 

Now, with a permanent transit-only lane, the T can travel through with much less delay. This benefits riders from the Bayview to Embarcadero, and soon to Chinatown. This is exactly the sort of sensible transit-first improvement riders need for faster, more reliable trips.

Wins like this wouldn't be possible without the continued advocacy of San Francisco Transit Riders and our members - so thank you!


Thanks to our Transit Month sponsors!


P.O. Box 193341, San Francisco, California  94119 [email protected]

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