More than 1 million encounters at the southern border this year, and the Biden Admin is silent!
Mike Johnson
Fellow American,

There is a major lack of leadership by the Biden Administration in every area – and the border situation is completely out of hand.

As I’m sure you’ve seen, there are thousands of migrants from all over the world currently camped under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas – all there at the Biden Administration’s invitation. Joe Biden campaigned on open borders, and now his administration refuses to deal with the fallout.

Think about this: In 2021 alone, there have been OVER a million immigrant encounters at our southern border – and we still have three months left in the year!

The man behind the flood of illegal migrants? DHS Secretary Mayorkas.

Mayorkas has done NOTHING but make excuses and avoid tough questions. It’s time to end these outrageous policies once and for all!

Since Secretary Mayorkas is clearly unwilling to carry out his agency’s essential mission, I’ve called for his immediate RESIGNATION.

The Biden Administration has forgotten that they work for the American people.

That’s why I want your name to be next to mine on this call. Will you become a citizen co-sponsor, and sign your name to a growing list of patriots who are calling on Sec. Mayorkas to resign?


Get this – ICE is relying on the honor system for migrants.

They are releasing tens of thousands of illegal immigrants into the United States without a court date or any knowledge of where these people are headed.

In fact, ICE has been taking packed planes full of illegal aliens and dropping them all over the country to fend for themselves. (At least 40,000 illegal migrants, including children, are already unaccounted for.)

The Secretary must resign – he is openly allowing a full-fledged assault on our border. He clearly has no interest in rectifying the crisis, and must be replaced immediately with someone who does.

The current status of our southern border is inexcusable, unsustainable and is a direct THREAT to the safety of the American people. Please Fellow American, co-sign and demand change in DHS and for Sec. Mayorkas to resign.


Please do not delay your response. I’m calling for change TODAY before this crisis gets any worse.

For Freedom,

The Biden administration is committing lawless acts before our eyes.
Mike Johnson


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