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Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021

A Letter to My Vaccinated Friend

James Kullander

Reality vs Gaslighting: The Vaccine Failure Stares Us Straight in the Eyes

Vasko Kohlmayer

A Possible Marburg-RiVax Final Solution

Kieran Morrissey

An Eye on Canada

Ira Katz

Abolish FISA, Reform FBI, & Break Up CIA

Angelo Codevilla

Do the Global Managers Want the Pandemic To End?

Brian Jones

Americans Need A New Media

Issues & Insights

Fauci Flips On Boosters, Now Says It’s Not a ‘Mistake’ For FDA To Limit Recommendations

Shelby Talcott

Coronavirus World Update Lies for Big Pharma as Does NPR, CNN, NYT, WashPo, Social Media, Fauci, and Biden, Causing More People To Die

Paul Craig Roberts

Old Soldier Mark Milley Should ‘Fade Away’

Ray McGovern

Medicine and the Constitution

Laurence M. Vance

Dr. Peter Breggin: Covid-19, and the Global Predators

Dr. Joseph Mercola


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