Friend --
A request for an Emergency Assembly was received from the following three local chapters of the Maryland Green Party on September 12, 2021:
- Allegany County
- Prince George's County
- Washington County
Therefore, the Maryland Green Party will hold an Emergency Assembly before the date of:
Sunday, November 21, 2021
All Maryland Greens are encouraged to help us plan the assembly or to work at drafting major proposals. Please answer this call and volunteer to join a committee. Be the change.
Volunteer to Join a Committee <[link removed]>
From our Bylaws:
6.4 Emergency Assemblies: Emergency MGP Assemblies may be called by three (3) Locals or by the petition of 25 members. Requests for such meetings shall be made to the Co-Chairs, who shall instruct the Membership Coordinator to send out notice of the meeting within 10 days, with the meeting to be convened within 70 days of receiving a valid request.
Maryland Green Party
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Maryland Green Party - United States
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