Donald Trump abused the power of the presidency.
To enrich himself.
To carry out vendettas against critics and political enemies.
To shield himself, his children, and assorted sycophants from accountability.
With the introduction this morning of the Protecting Our Democracy Act, Congress has taken a bold step toward preventing the egregious presidential corruption we saw under Donald Trump.
The Protecting Our Democracy Act would:
- Restore the balance of power between the federal government’s legislative and executive branches.
- Prevent abuse of presidential pardons.
- Make sure presidents and vice presidents can be held accountable for criminal conduct.
- Enforce the Constitution’s emoluments clause (which is meant to keep government officials from accepting gifts from foreign nations).
- Strengthen enforcement of congressional subpoenas.
- Reassert the congressional power of the purse.
- Increase oversight of presidential emergency declarations.
- Limit political interference at the U.S. Department of Justice.
- Protect the independence of inspectors general.
- Shield federal whistleblowers who uncover misconduct.
- Restrict the use of “acting” officials and improve measures to hold them accountable.
- Ensure that foreign interference in elections gets reported to law enforcement.
- Toughen enforcement of the Hatch Act (which is meant to keep federal officials from using their offices for partisan political campaigning).
- Require the disclosure of tax returns by presidential candidates.
Tell Congress:
Donald Trump made a mockery of our nation’s system of checks and balances. Pass the Protecting Our Democracy Act so that no president will ever again be able to get away with such egregious corruption and abuses of power.
Add your name.
Thanks for taking action.
For democracy,
- Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen
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