Join CeaseFirePA and Billy Penn TOMORROW, Wednesday 9/22, for a community forum and panel about funding ways to keep Philadelphia teens from being involved in gun violence.


Gun violence destroys lives and blights futures across Philly neighborhoods, a fact made all the more obvious when shootings involve young people. More than 277 Philly teens¹ have been shot this year, and 50 have died. Investment in youth programs—from mentorship to after-school activities—could have kept many of these young people out of harm’s way. Now, as schools start back up, the city is finally funneling some of its $155 million anti-violence budget toward such programs. But we can’t wait until the long term for this money to make an impact.

Help us make sure Philly’s anti-violence funds save lives NOW, by reaching the children most at risk of being the victim—or perpetrator—of the next shooting. Join Billy Penn and CeaseFirePA Education Fund for a community forum in East Germantown, Wednesday, September 22 at 5 PM. 

You’ll hear from Valencia Peterson, executive director of Open Door Abuse Awareness Prevention, who knows firsthand the impact of gun violence on families, and the importance of a trauma-informed approach to help young people build healthy relationships. Mustafa Clement will share takeaways from his experience as an at-risk youth mentor at Rebuilding A Village. Laura Vega, clinical operations manager, CHOP Violence Prevention, will discuss how to heal child and family trauma after gun violence. Together with attendees from the local community, we’ll discuss how to ensure the city prioritizes programs that make an immediate difference.

Join us: 

Wednesday, September 22
5:00 PM

In person at Lonnie Young Recreation Center in East Germantown,1100 E. Chelten Ave OR
Online via livestream from CeaseFirePA’s Facebook page (@joinceasefirepa)

RSVP for "Investing in People & Places: How Youth Programs Prevent Violence."

For COVID safety, please let us know if you plan to attend the in-person event. 

Thank you for helping us keep up pressure on the City to do the right thing. See you there!

Adam Garber
Executive Director, CeaseFirePA 

¹ Mapping Philadelphia's Gun Violence Crisis, Office of the Controller - The City of Philadelphia, September 2021.

P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

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