Texas Republicans proposed a gerrymandered state Senate map that fails to reflect the state’s growing communities of color and urban populations.
To say that this state Senate map fails Texans is an understatement.
We expect Texas to release a draft congressional map shortly. That map will have big implications for which party holds the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. Will you make a donation today before that map is released?
Let’s be clear about the stakes. Right now, there are two competing visions for Texas: one side believes politicians should decide who gets elected. Our side believes the people should have the ability to choose who represents them.
Map drawers in Texas made their intentions clear by completely ignoring community input during redistricting hearings. Texans requested a transparent process, and fair maps that accurately represent them -- what they got was far from transparent or fair.
Just take a look at these two districts in the proposed state Senate map. The gerrymandering is out of control. Oddly shaped districts don't always tell the whole story, but our team of mapping analysts looked into the numbers and these districts -- this whole map -- is absurd.
Ohio, Nebraska, Texas -- there’s a clear pattern emerging. Map drawers are willing to ignore the census stats and disregard the will of voters in order to gerrymander maps that drain the competition out of elections. It’s a blatant power grab.
We need to break this cycle of map manipulation -- we cannot afford another decade of politicians gerrymandering themselves out of accountability.
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Thanks for your support,
John Bisognano
Executive Director
All On The Line
All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.