I am delighted to invite you to join us in our annual observance of Children’s Sabbaths® for our milestone 30th anniversary. This year, our theme invites us to ground our understanding of the needs of our nation’s children by listening to the voices of children and youths and joining in partnership with them to heal, prevent further harm, and assure all children thrive.
“Where Does It Hurt?” Every year, the Children’s Defense Fund unites with places of worship from across the country in a multi-faith celebration of Children’s Sabbaths, where all ages and faiths engage in focusing prayers, worship, education, and action on the most urgent needs of our country’s children. Some places of worship host collaborative celebrations with other congregations, child-serving organizations, and members of the broader community. I’ve had the blessing of being part of this movement for three decades, and I can tell you how inspiring it is to see faith communities taking steps that will generate new, year-round action to improve the lives of children. Learn more about organizing a Children’s Sabbath: We hope you’ll explore all of the resources to guide your Children’s Sabbath planning. We’ve provided a wide variety of adaptable materials so it is easy to plan your celebration, whether you start small or go all-in. We look forward to joining you, in faith, on the weekend of October 15th. With gratitude,
Rev. Shannon Daley-Harris P.S. If it is not possible for your place of worship to join us during the weekend of October 15-17, we invite you to plan an observance of Children’s Sabbath another time! Children's Defense Fund© All rights reserved 840 First St NE, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20002 |