Hey John,
As we head into #WroldContraceptionDay weekend, there is A LOT going on in the world of contraceptive access. We are entering a critical phase in our fight to put birth control pills on the shelves in drug stores nationwide.
This week (and weekend), you can help us get there a few ways:
- The best thing you can do is educate yourself on where we are and how you can help by attending this State of the Movement webinar tomorrow at 11am EST.
Since 2004, the Oral Contraceptives (OCs) Over-the-Counter (OTC) Working Group--convened by Ibis Reproductive Health, a global research organization--has driven a coalition-led movement to put The Pill on the shelves at CVS, Walgreens, Target and more. Learn about the strategy of the 100+ organization and individual member coalition behind the movement, and gain insight on how you can play a role to #FreeThePill. RSVP here.

- RSVP to watch Hulu's hilarious teen comedy, Plan B, and join us as we speak to the film's star, Kuhoo Verma, on Sunday. Hulu's critically acclaimed film is about a straight-laced high school student and her slacker best friend who have 24 hours to hunt down a Plan B pill in America’s heartland. Then on Sunday night, Sept 26th, our very own #FreeThePill Youth Council member Sriha Srinivasan (@SexEdU on TikTok) will sit down with the star of Plan B, Kuhoo Verma, to talk about all things birth control access, navigating sex ed as a young person, the making of Plan B, and more!RSVP here.

- Use this Toolkit to join us on social media this Thursday so we can highlight the need to #FreeThePill for journalists, public officials, and influential decision-makers online. In particular, our 2pm Tweetstorm will highlight true stories of young people's barriers to access, and how bringing The Pill over-the-counter would expand equitable access to care. Join us Thursday using this sample content.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reply to this email.
Thank you so much,
Geoff Corey
Senior Manager, Digital Campaigns
Advocates for Youth