John, we just wanted to make sure you saw our email from yesterday.
We urgently need to combat the climate crisis, make prescription drugs cheaper, and ensure childcare is affordable. That’s what Democrats promised voters they would do while on the campaign trail — but Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema is standing in the way.
So we are running digital ads targeting her constituents across Arizona to remind her that she works for the people, not her wealthy donors. John, can you contribute $3 or more so we can keep the pressure on Kyrsten Sinema and other obstructionist Democrats to deliver on the promises they made to voters?
Chip in $3
You can read more about what’s exactly at stake below.
All of us at the Working Families Party
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: WFP Breaking News
Date: Mon, Sep 20, 2021
Subject: POLITICO: Sinema issues ultimatum to block the Build Back Better Act
Over the next few days, Congress will be making key decisions that will determine the fate of the Build Back Better Act and our entire jobs and care agenda.
From expanding Medicare to include dental, vision, and hearing to major investments in clean energy and climate resiliency, we’re talking historic investments in our communities that are on the line. Unfortunately, Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema is now threatening to blow it all up.
Just this morning, Politico reported that Kyrsten Sinema issued an “ultimatum” to Joe Biden and is threatening to tank our entire agenda along with other obstructionist corporate Democrats in the House.1
She’s standing with her campaign donors instead of Arizona working families who would lose out if she follows through with her threats. That’s why, starting today, we’re placing a digital ad buy targeting Arizona voters with a simple message: “Kyrsten, stop the games and VOTE YES to Build Back Better.”
Can you chip in $3 or more to help us reach more voters in Arizona and across the country? Every dollar raised means more grassroots pressure we can dial up on key members of Congress during this critical week:
Chip in $3
Kyrsten Sinema has faced intense scrutiny at home for months regarding her positions on the Build Back Better Act and the outdated filibuster. Op-ed after op-ed in her hometown newspaper, The Arizona Republic, have excoriated her for failing to deliver on the promises she made to voters during her 2018 run.
And earlier this summer, polling revealed that two-thirds of Arizona primary voters were willing to back a primary challenger over her position on the filibuster alone.
Kyrsten Sinema’s obstruction and loyalty to corporate donors in the name of “bipartisanship” and “moderation” is an act that is getting old. That’s why we’re making sure voters in Arizona and other states know where their elected representatives stand.
Contribute $3 or more to WFP today so we can keep the pressure on Kyrsten Sinema and other obstructionist Democrats and get this historic reconciliation bill over the finish line.
Chip in $3
In solidarity,
Team WFP
Playbook: Scoop: Sinema issues ultimatum to Biden, Politico, September 20, 2021.

Become a Working Families Party Member! Other political groups have corporate donors. We have you. Just $10 a month supports our fight.
Paid for by Working Families Party National PAC (77 Sands St. #6, Brooklyn, NY, 11201).