Freedom on the Net 2021:
The Global Drive to Control Big Tech
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
virtual event

Freedom on the Net 2021 documents how in the high-stakes battle between governments and technology companies, the rights of internet users have become the main casualties. With a few positive exceptions, the push to regulate the tech industry, which stems in some cases from genuine problems like online harassment and manipulative market practices, is being exploited to subdue free expression and gain greater access to private data. The conversation will also address country-specific developments that led to the 11th consecutive year of decline for global internet freedom.
You can read the full report at
Yinka Adegoke, Rest of World's Editor for Strategic Initiatives
Allie Funk, Senior Research Analyst for Technology and Democracy and co-author of Freedom on the Net, Freedom House
Robyn Greene, Privacy and Public Policy Manager, Facebook
Nikhil Pahwa, Founder, MediaNama
Pedro Vaca Villarreal, Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
