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‘AUKUS’ military alliance is another Western attempt to isolate China

By Sarang Shidore on Sep 17, 2021 03:50 am

The ever-denser web of military interconnections that Washington is weaving is going to lead straight to Cold War.
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The world watches as Abiy loses it — and risks losing Ethiopia, too.

By Alex de Waal on Sep 17, 2021 03:35 am

Responding, Biden issued an order today declaring the conflict a threat to the 'national security and foreign policy of the United States.'
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Biden team ratchets up counter-terrorism talk — but to what end?

By Daniel Larison on Sep 17, 2021 03:08 am

Has it occurred to anyone that the rise of extremists in more places is proof that the GWOT has backfired spectacularly?
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Were the US and China really on the brink of war last October?

By Ethan Paul on Sep 15, 2021 04:43 pm

Conditions have been primed for conflict for a long time, but things were unusually tense last fall and it wasn't all about Trump.
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How Biden can reduce rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula

By Jessica J. Lee on Sep 15, 2021 02:49 pm

Lackluster US diplomatic efforts have allowed recent missile tests in the North and South to fill the void.
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Will US military failures touch off a ‘revolution from below’?

By Jeff Groom on Sep 15, 2021 03:00 am

The civ-mil divide and the health of our volunteer forces are of urgent concern right now, with blame pointed at the top.
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