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Our stories will always be available to the public for free, but great journalism takes resources. We need to raise $5,000 to meet our quarterly goals, and this week, we’re asking readers for their help in closing that gap. Please consider making a one-time gift of $25 (or any amount) or starting a recurring gift to help us be prepared to cover the news that’s yet to come. Your generosity helps make sure we can cover the stories that matter to you and your neighbors.

Oversight board bans controversial training from county jail


Is there lead in my water? How do I know if my water is safe to drink?


Where the sausage is made: A nine-member panel privately plots a course for the Hill


Does Oakland Crossings proposal intersect with neighborhood plans?


U.S. Steel is looking for locations to build a $3 billion plant. The reception in Pittsburgh so far has been mixed.

Join this virtual class this afternoon (made possible with the support from the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh) on how to use publicly available tools to find valuable information in Pittsburgh and beyond. You will learn how to file a Right-to-Know request and ways on how power operates in our community Register now to save your spot!

Civic Briefs: Where in Pittsburgh did federal relief money go?


Navigating the tension-filled world of motherhood in Pittsburgh’s Facebook groups


'Vaccines continue to do their job.' No mask mandate in Allegheny County.

Thank you to those who became supporters of PublicSource's journalism Sept. 8-13: Brian, Jesse, Karen and Nancy. Join them by giving today!

Donations by check can be made payable to PublicSource and mailed to 1936 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh PA 15219. So that we can credit you properly, please include your email address with your gift.

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